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Cyber Threat Intelligence
Frameworks in CTI are essential as they provide a standardized and structured approach to managing cyber threats, ensuring consistency across teams and organizations.
By incorporating industry best practices, frameworks help implement proven strategies and avoid common pitfalls, covering all aspects of threat intelligence from identification to mitigation. They enhance efficiency by streamlining CTI processes, allowing timely responses to threats, and integrate seamlessly with existing tools to promote interoperability. Additionally, frameworks prioritize risks, enabling effective resource allocation towards significant threats, and support continuous improvement through feedback mechanisms.
Overall, frameworks play a crucial role in strengthening an organization's security posture by offering a comprehensive and effective approach to cyber threat management.
Cyber Kill Chain
Image 1 Cyber Kill Chain
Developed by Lockheed Martin, the Cyber Kill Chain is a model that outlines the stages of a cyber-attack, providing a structured approach to understanding and mitigating threats. The concept is rooted in military strategies, where the “kill chain” represents the sequence of steps an adversary takes to achieve their objective.
网络杀伤链由洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)公司开发,是一种描述网络攻击阶段模型的方法,为理解和缓解威胁提供了结构化的框架。这一概念源于军事战略,其中“杀伤链”代表对手为实现其目标所采取的一系列步骤。
1. Stages of the Kill Chain: The Cyber Kill Chain comprises seven stages: Reconnaissance, Weaponization, Delivery, Exploitation, Installation, Command and Control (C2), and Actions on Objectives. Each stage represents a phase in the attack lifecycle, from initial scouting to achieving the attacker's goals.
杀伤链的阶段:网络杀伤链包含七个阶段:侦察(Reconnaissance)、武器化(Weaponization)、交付(Delivery)、利用(Exploitation)、安装(Installation)、命令与控制(Command and Control, C2)以及针对目标的行动(Actions on Objectives)。从最初的侦察到攻击者实现其目标,每个阶段代表了攻击生命周期中的一个环节。
2. Visibility and Interruption: By breaking down the attack process into stages, the Kill Chain helps security teams identify opportunities to detect and interrupt attacks before they progress.
When to Use 使用场景
1. Incident Response: The Cyber Kill Chain is invaluable during incident response, as it provides a framework for analysing and understanding the progression of an attack.
2. Threat Detection and Prevention: Organizations can use the model to develop strategies that detect and prevent attacks at various stages of the Kill Chain.
Importance 重要性
The Cyber Kill Chain is crucial for its ability to transform complex attack scenarios into manageable phases. By understanding each stage, organizations can implement targeted defences and improve their overall security posture. It emphasizes the importance of early detection and proactive measures, which are key to preventing successful breaches.
MITRE ATT&CK Framework
Image 2 ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise
The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a comprehensive knowledge base that catalogs adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. It serves as a detailed map of potential attack vectors, providing insights into how adversaries operate.
MITRE ATT&CK框架是一个全面的知识库,基于对现实世界的观察,系统化地记录了对手的策略和技术。作为潜在攻击路径的详细图谱,能够深入洞察对手的运作方式。
1. Tactics and Techniques: ATT&CK is organized into tactics (the "why" of an attack) and techniques (the "how"), offering a granular view of adversary behavior.
2. Continuous Updates: The framework is regularly updated with new data, ensuring it reflects the latest threat landscapes and adversary strategies.
When to Use 使用场景
1. Threat Hunting: Security teams use ATT&CK to proactively hunt for threats by identifying patterns and behaviours associated with known adversaries.
2. Security Assessment: Organizations leverage the framework to assess their current security measures and identify gaps in defenses.
3. Training and Awareness: ATT&CK is a valuable resource for training security professionals, enhancing their understanding of adversary tactics and improving their response capabilities.
Importance 重要性
MITRE ATT&CK is vital for its ability to provide a structured approach to understanding and categorizing cyber threats. It enhances an organization's ability to detect, respond to, and mitigate attacks by offering a detailed understanding of adversary tactics and techniques. By aligning security strategies with real-world adversary behaviours, ATT&CK significantly strengthens an organization's cybersecurity posture.
MITRE ATT&CK之所以重要是因为其提供了一种结构化的方法来理解和分类网络威胁。通过详细描述对手的策略和技术,增强了组织检测、响应和缓解攻击的能力。通过将安全策略与现实世界的对手行为相结合,ATT&CK显著提升了组织的网络安全态势。
Image 3 ATT&CK Matrix for Black Basta
图3:勒索软件 Black Basta的ATT&CK矩阵
The Pyramid of Pain
Image 4 Pyramid of Pain
The Pyramid of Pain is a conceptual model that illustrates the relationship between different types of indicators used in threat detection and the difficulty they pose for adversaries when disrupted. It emphasizes the impact of targeting higher-level indicators to maximize adversary disruption.
1. Levels of Indicators: The Pyramid of Pain categorizes indicators into levels, ranging from hash values to Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). Each level represents a different type of indicator, with varying degrees of difficulty for adversaries to change.
2. Adversary Disruption: The model highlights that targeting higher-level indicators, such as TTPs, is more challenging for adversaries to alter, leading to greater disruption of their operations.
When to Use 使用场景
1. Indicator Prioritization: Organizations use the Pyramid of Pain to prioritize which indicators to focus on based on their potential impact on adversary operations.
2. Defensive Strategy Development: The model informs the development of defensive strategies that target the most impactful indicators, maximizing the effectiveness of security efforts.
Importance 重要性
The Pyramid of Pain is crucial for its emphasis on targeting higher-level indicators to effectively disrupt adversary operations. By focusing on TTPs, organizations can complicate attackers' efforts and enhance the efficacy of their defensive measures. This strategic approach not only improves threat detection but also strengthens an organization's overall resilience against cyber threats.
Image 5 Pyramid of Pain for Black Basta
图5:勒索软件Black Basta的“痛苦金字塔”
Image 6 Caldera Interface
CALDERA from MITRE is an open-source tool designed to automate cyberattack simulations and enhance organizations' defence capabilities. Its primary goal is to emulate adversary behaviour in a controlled environment, allowing organizations to assess and strengthen their security systems.
MITRE公司开发的 CALDERA 是一款开源工具,旨在实现网络攻击模拟的自动化,并提升组织的防御能力。其主要目标是在可控环境中模拟对手的行为,使组织能够评估并强化自身的安全系统。
The relationship between CALDERA and Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) might not be immediately obvious, but since one of the functions of CTI is to assist in adversary emulation, CALDERA serves as an excellent tool for use in CTI efforts.
CALDERA 与网络威胁情报(CTI)之间的联系可能并非一目了然,但由于 CTI 的功能之一是辅助进行对手行为模拟,因此 CALDERA 是开展 CTI 工作的绝佳工具。
Key Features 关键特性
1. Automation of Simulations: CALDERA enables automated simulations of cyberattacks, replicating tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by real adversaries. This helps organizations identify vulnerabilities and evaluate the effectiveness of their defences.
模拟自动化:CALDERA 能够对网络攻击进行自动化模拟,复制真实对手所使用的战术、技术和程序(TTPs)。这有助于组织识别自身的安全漏洞,并评估其防御措施的有效性。
2. Based on MITRE ATT&CK: CALDERA is closely integrated with the MITRE ATT&CK framework, allowing it to utilize a comprehensive database of documented TTPs. This ensures that simulations are realistic and reflect current threats.
基于MITRE ATT&CK:CALDERA与MITRE ATT&CK框架紧密集成,使其能够利用一个记录详尽的战术、技术和程序(TTPs)综合数据库。这确保了模拟过程具有现实性,能够反映当前存在的各类威胁。
3. Customizable Scenarios: Users can create and customize specific attack scenarios to meet their needs, allowing for a more accurate assessment of their security systems.
4. User-Friendly Interface: CALDERA offers an intuitive user interface that facilitates the configuration and execution of simulations, as well as the visualization of results and analysis.
5. Results Analysis: After executing a simulation, CALDERA provides detailed reports on the performance of defences, identifying areas for improvement and recommending corrective actions.
结果分析:完成模拟后,CALDERA 会提供有关防御措施表现的详细报告,指出需要改进的方面,并给出纠正措施建议。
Common Uses 常见用途
1. Security Assessment: Organizations use CALDERA to evaluate the effectiveness of their current security measures and detect potential gaps before they can be exploited by real adversaries.
安全评估:组织利用 CALDERA 来评估其现有安全措施的有效性,并在真实对手利用潜在漏洞之前将其检测出来。
2. Training Security Teams: CALDERA can be used to train security teams in detecting and responding to attacks, improving their preparedness for real incidents.
安全团队培训:CALDERA 可用于对安全团队进行培训,使其掌握攻击检测与响应技能,提升他们对实际安全事件的应对能力。
3. Defense Strategy Development: By identifying the most effective tactics and techniques used by adversaries, organizations can develop more robust and adaptive defense strategies.
Importance 重要性
CALDERA is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to improve their cybersecurity posture. By providing a platform to safely and controlled simulate real attacks, CALDERA allows organizations to identify and fix weaknesses in their systems before they can be exploited by attackers. Additionally, its integration with the MITRE ATT&CK framework ensures that the simulations are based on up-to-date and relevant data, which increases the relevance and effectiveness of the tests conducted.
对于希望提升自身网络安全态势的组织而言,CALDERA 是一款极具价值的工具。通过提供一个能安全且可控地模拟真实攻击的平台,CALDERA 使组织能够在攻击者利用系统漏洞之前,识别并修复系统中的漏洞。此外,其与MITRE ATT&CK框架的集成确保了模拟过程基于最新且相关的数据,从而提高了所开展测试的针对性和有效性。
Image 7 Caldera Interface
图7:Caldera 界面
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, frameworks like the Cyber Kill Chain, MITRE ATT&CK, the Pyramid of Pain and the tool CALDERA are indispensable tools for understanding and combating cyber threats. Each framework offers unique insights into adversary behaviour and provides strategies for enhancing an organization's defenses.
在不断演变的网络安全环境中,网络杀伤链、MITRE ATT&CK、痛苦金字塔以及CALDERA等框架和工具,都是理解和应对网络威胁不可或缺的手段。每个框架都能为洞察对手行为提供独特视角,并为增强组织的防御能力提供策略。
The Cyber Kill Chain breaks down complex attacks into manageable stages, enabling early detection and proactive defence measures. MITRE ATT&CK offers a comprehensive map of adversary tactics and techniques, guiding organizations in threat hunting, security assessment, and training. The Pyramid of Pain emphasizes the importance of targeting higher-level indicators to disrupt adversary operations and maximize defensive efforts.
网络杀伤链将复杂的攻击拆解为可管控的阶段,有助于实现早期检测和采取主动防御措施。MITRE ATT&CK提供了关于对手战术和技术的全面图谱,指导组织开展威胁搜寻、安全评估和人员培训工作。痛苦金字塔强调了以更高级别指标为目标的重要性,以此干扰对手行动并最大限度地发挥防御效能。
CALDERA get all the previous acquired and processed information from adversaries and apply it in an emulation to determine if we are protected against that threat.
By integrating these frameworks into their cybersecurity strategies, organizations can significantly enhance their resilience against cyber adversaries, ultimately safeguarding their critical assets in an increasingly hostile digital environment.