2023 大语言模型技术报告.pdf
IT之家 2 月 17 日消息,Dopamine 2.0 版本更新,支持越狱多款 iPhone 和 iPad 设备。
- Improve kfd reliability by memory hogging, also fixes support for devices with 16GB RAM, contributed by @dhinakg
- Fix an issue where /var/jb/var/mobile would get the wrong file permissions on new bootstraps (Fixed retroactively on next rejailbreak)
- Improve the way injection into problematic processes is blocked
- Block injection into
because it seemed to be crash looping for some users - Fix verbose logs not showing in error log when they aren't enabled
- Actually print the error that caused the failure in the error log........
- Fix app crash on iPads when sharing log
- Fix a random app crash while jailbreaking
- Actually fix libkrw not working (The 2.0 changelog was lying...)
- Fix localization fallback not properly working (would show placeholder instead of english when no localization for the selected language was available)
- Don't attempt jbupdate if the phone is not already jailbroken
- Fix an issue where PAC primitives would get lost during a jbupdate, causing the launch of a sideloaded Dopamine app to trigger a kernel panic on <15.
- Fix new bootstrap getting created every rejailbreak (super dumb 2.0.1 regression...)
- Fix XPF not working on 15.0.x arm64e
- Fix an app crash during the jailbreak process
- Fix an app crash when launching the app on a jailbreak that is not Dopamine (this is still not really supported)
- Add support for arm64e iOS 15.5 - 16.5.1
- Add support for arm64 15.0 - 16.6.1 (A8 not supported for now) (by @kok3shidoll)
- Support installation via sideloading (Only works on non beta iOS versions using libgrabkernel for now, also a few features are only supported when installing via TrollStore)
- Rewrite the jailbreak app in Objective C with flexibility in mind (UI has been written by @tomt000)
- Add exploit picker (only kfd for now, more exploits for older versions will be added later)
- Add themes to app (in app + icon)
- Add support for using NSTask from tweaks, previously was unsupported, calling it from apps and other processes is also possible but you will have to call
yourself beforehand - Remove libfilecom, switch to using XPC for handoff communication
- Deprecate jailbreakd in favor of launchd hook
- Instead of boot_info.plist, all jailbreak related info is now stored inside launchd and can be retrieved via XPC
- Rework kcall handoff to be stateless
- Rework trustcaching to be stateless
- Replace kernel patchfinder with XPF (https://github.com/opa334/XPF)
- Fix various issues with trustcaching
- Include libroot provider library (https://github.com/opa334/libroot)
- Make libkrw actually work (Yes, it was broken all throughout 1.x and nobody noticed)
Dopamine (多巴胺)越狱工具由巨魔商店 TrollStore 的作者 opa334 联合 ellekit 开发,基于 Fugu15 越狱代码,是公开的开源越狱工具。
IT之家基于推文内容,Dopamine 2.0 更新适用于 arm64(A9 及更新芯片)设备,此外还适用于 M1 / M2 的 iPad 型号。
对于搭载 A12-A14 的 iPhone 设备,支持 iOS 15.0 到 iOS 16.5.1 越狱
对于搭载 A15-A16 的 iPhone 设备,支持 iOS 15.0 到 iOS 16.5 越狱
对于搭载 M1 的 iPad 设备,支持 iPadOS 15.0 到 iPadOS 16.5.1 越狱
对于搭载 M1 的 iPad 设备,支持 iPadOS 15.0 到 iPadOS 16.5 越狱
此外还支持 iOS / iPadOS 16.6 Beta 1 到 Beta 4 越狱,不过 A15 / A16 / M2 芯片设备仅验证到 iOS 16.6 Beta 2,后续仍待测试 Beta 3 和 Beta 4 更新。
Dopamine 还启用了由 @tomt000 开发的全新用户界面,以及 @xerusdesign 设计了新的主题图标。