Yonghwi Kwon现任马里兰大学助理教授,同时也创建并领导着马里兰大学Secure and Sound Software Research Group(SEED研究组)他对通过程序分析和反事实因果推理解决系统安全问题有着广泛的兴趣。Yonghwi老师团队对软件安全,网络物理系统安全(例如,自动驾驶汽车和无人驾驶飞行器)和计算机系统广泛感兴趣。其中对保护关键软件系统进行研究,比如:
开发实用的法医技术,使以前困难的任务成为可能。PyFET [PyFET]将不可编译的Python二进制文件转换为可编译的二进制文件。C2SR [C2SR]利用最先进的记录和重播技术重建复杂的网络攻击执行。⇒能够完成以前不可能完成的取证任务(例如,逆向工程)。
开发了一种称为强制或反事实执行程序分析技术,用于恶意软件分析,发现隐藏的恶意代码[MalMax, J-Force]。⇒分析以前的技术无法做到的高级恶意软件。
提出了一种新的信息流跟踪技术,该技术有助于识别高级网络攻击下现实应用中的信息泄漏[LDX, MCI]。Yonghwi老师团队的技术精确地捕捉到复杂现实系统中的信息流,这是以前的技术无法做到的。
他曾在 2022 年和 2018 年获得国家自然科学基金 CAREER 和 CRII 奖,2019 年和 2013 年两次获得 ACM 杰出论文奖,2013 年获得ASE最佳论文奖,2017 年获得 Maurice H. Halstead 纪念奖。在此期间,他还带领大学生网络攻防竞赛团队获得了2019年和2020年全国CCDC冠军。
马里兰大学,始建于1856年,坐落于美国马里兰州,被誉为“公立常春藤”。其位2023U.S. News世界大学排名第57,2022软科世界大学学术排名第50。该大学教师中有2名诺贝尔奖得主、4名普利策奖得主、58位国家科学院院士和数十位富布赖特学者。马里兰大学是美国大学协会和Universitas 21成员,是美国知名体育联盟十大联盟成员。该校校友参与创建了谷歌、安德玛等世界知名企业。
申请马里兰大学的ECE或CS博士项目,并在你的马里兰大学的申请中提及“Yonghwi Kwon”作为潜在导师。
Thank you for your interest in my research group at the University of Maryland. My group is broadly interested in software security, cyber-physical systems security (e.g., autonomous cars and unmanned aerial vehicles), and computer systems.
We conduct research on securing critical software systems. In particular, we aim to directly benefit society, making a practical impact. A few instances are listed below:
We build automated testing systems that have identified many vulnerabilities in drone swarms [SwarmFlawFinder], autonomous driving cars [DriveFuzz], and web applications [SynthDB, BFTDetector]. ⇒ We find and help fix vulnerabilities, securing software systems.
We develop practical forensic techniques that make previously difficult tasks possible. PyFET [PyFET] transforms undecompilable Python binaries to decompilable ones. C2SR [C2SR] reconstructs sophisticated cyber attack executions leveraging state-of-the-art record and replay techniques. ⇒ We enable previously impossible forensic tasks (e.g., reverse engineering).
We develop a program analysis technique (called forced or counterfactual execution) for malware analysis, discovering hidden malicious code [MalMax, J-Force]. ⇒ We analyze advanced malware that previous techniques failed to do.
We propose a novel information flow tracking technique that helped identify information leakages in real-world applications under advanced cyber attacks [LDX, MCI]. ⇒ Our technique precisely catches information flows on complex real-world systems that previous techniques failed to do.
You can find more information on http://yongkwon.info.
Candidate Qualifications:
I am excited to work with motivated applicants who (1) are committed to top-notch research, (2) have a solid background in system programming, and (3) have experience with building and debugging large software systems.
Applicants with research experience in software security, reverse engineering, cyber-physical systems , compilers , operating systems, and software engineering will be given priority. The group is also interested in providing a more diverse environment, welcoming any minority (in all aspects).
How to Apply:
If you are interested in applying to my lab,
Please fill out this form(link:https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAYAALNMb6BUMUNGN1QyNDlHVlZHUlpYMUVHQkpBU1c0MS4u)
Apply to the ECE or CS Ph.D. program at the University of Maryland.
In your application, please mention “Yonghwi Kwon” as a potential adviser.
About the PI:
Yonghwi Kwon is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. He is broadly interested in solving system security problems via program analysis and counterfactual causality inference. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER and CRII Awards in 2022 and 2018, two ACM Distinguished Paper Awards in 2019 and 2013, Best Paper Awards in Automated Software Engineering (ASE) in 2013, and Maurice H. Halstead Memorial Award in 2017. He also led the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team, which won the championship of the National CCDC in 2019 and 2020.