各级别漏洞统计:中危: 16个漏洞高危: 32个漏洞严重: 4个漏洞gitbug - qcp在某些构建配置中可能会崩溃/DOS - protobuf crate中不受控制的递归导致崩溃 - Horcrux Double Sign Possibility - Some AES functions may panic when overflow checking is enabled in ring - Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2025-24043 | WinDbg Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - com.xwiki.confluencepro:application-confluence-migrator-pro-ui's application homepage is public - com.xwiki.confluencepro:application-confluence-migrator-pro-ui Remote Code Execution via unescaped translations - Vue I18n Allows Prototype Pollution in `handleFlatJson` - axios Requests Vulnerable To Possible SSRF and Credential Leakage via Absolute URL - DoS Vulnerability in TraceContextPropagator.Extract - OpenTelemetry.Api - Out-of-bounds Write in SixLabors ImageSharp - Django vulnerable to Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling - Fleet has SAML authentication vulnerability due to improper SAML response validation - Envoy Gateway Log Injection Vulnerability - NocoDB Vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting on Reset Password Page - ray vulnerable to Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File - Jenkins Open Redirect vulnerability - Jenkins cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability - Jenkins reveals encrypted values of secrets stored in agent configuration to users with Agent/Extended Read permission - Emissary May Use a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm - Spacy-LLM Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability - Jinja2 vulnerable to sandbox breakout through attr filter selecting format method - dmlc/dgl Vulnerable to Remote Code Execution by Pickle Deserialization via rpc.recv_request() - Volt Allows RCE Via User-Crafted Requests - Laravel has a File Validation Bypass - REDAXO allows Authenticated Reflected Cross Site Scripting - packages installation - OpenDJ Denial of Service (DoS) using alias loop - REDAXO allows Arbitrary File Upload in the mediapool page - Lucee RCE/XXE Vulnerability详情请查看:http://www.loveli.com.cn:12530/buglist?cve_firm=gitbug用友 - U8CLOUD系统IUFO部分从ActionForm中获取参数的接口存在SQL注入漏洞的安全补丁 - GRP-U8R10+20230630关于用友GRP-U8存在WSDL接口未授权访问漏洞的解决方案 - CRM系统存在任意文件读取漏洞的补丁20241227 - U8CLOUD系统API接口pub.sql.query存在SQL注入漏洞的安全补丁 - 20241211-用友GRP-U8Cloud敏感信息漏洞安全补丁包 - U9_Cloud逻辑漏洞补丁 - U8CRM存在SQL注入漏洞的安全补丁2411282 - U8CRM存在SQL注入漏洞的安全补丁241128 - U8CRM存在SQL注入漏洞的安全补丁241125 - 财务云平台菜单权限安全过滤器启用说明 - 关于U8cloud系统IUFO部分从ActionForm中获取参数的接口存在SQL注入漏洞的安全公告 - 关于用友NC6.5 portal rmwebImage download接口存在SQL注入漏洞的安全通告 - 关于NC系统工作桌面状态查询存在SQL注入漏洞的安全通告 - 关于用友GRP-U8内控管理软件WSDL接口(或services/xx)存在信息泄露漏洞的安全通告 - 关于U8cloud系统存在Uclient端Token泄露导致未授权访问漏洞的安全公告 - 关于NC系统imageupload接口的sql注入漏洞的安全通告 - 关于NC系统rmImage接口的sql注入漏洞的安全通告 - 关于NC系统view接口的sql注入漏洞的安全通告 - 关于U8cloud系统API接口pub.sql.query存在SQL注入漏洞的安全公告 - 关于NC Cloud系统的mob接口tenantId参数sql注入漏洞的安全通告详情请查看:http://www.loveli.com.cn:12530/buglist?cve_firm=用友gitlab - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-23197 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-22607 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-2045 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-1540 - gitlab存在Uncontrolled Recursion漏洞_CVE-2025-1492 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-1212 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-1198 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-1072 - gitlab存在漏洞_CVE-2025-1042 - gitlab存在Incorrect Authorization漏洞_CVE-2025-0781详情请查看:http://www.loveli.com.cn:12530/buglist?cve_firm=gitlabcnvd - 北京镜舟科技有限公司StarRocks数据库系统存在未授权访问漏洞详情请查看:http://www.loveli.com.cn:12530/buglist?cve_firm=cnvd广告:朋友最近在做cve代申请,简历指导,面试模拟,各大安全认证资料和题库,有意者可以后台留言。