Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an attack campaign that targets various Israeli entities with publicly-available frameworks like Donut and Sliver.
The campaign, believed to be highly targeted in nature, "leverage target-specific infrastructure and custom WordPress websites as a payload delivery mechanism, but affect a variety of entities across unrelated verticals, and rely on well-known open-source malware," HarfangLab said in a report last week.
The French company is tracking the activity under the name Supposed Grasshopper. It's a reference to an attacker-controlled server ("auth.economy-gov-il[.]com/SUPPOSED_GRASSHOPPER.bin"), to which a first-stage downloader connects to.
这家法国公司以Supposed Grasshopper的名义跟踪这一活动。这是一个对攻击者控制的服务器("auth.economy-gov-il[.]com/SUPPOSED_GRASSHOPPER.bin")的参考,第一阶段下载器连接到该服务器。
This downloader, written in Nim, is rudimentary and is tasked with downloading the second-stage malware from the staging server. It's delivered by means of a virtual hard disk (VHD) file that's suspected to be propagated via custom WordPress sites as part of a drive-by download scheme.
The second-stage payload retrieved from the server is Donut, a shellcode generation framework, which serves as a conduit for deploying an open-source Cobalt Strike alternative called Sliver.
从服务器检索到的第二阶段有效载荷是Donut,一个shellcode生成框架,用作部署一个名为Sliver的Cobalt Strike替代品的通道。
"The operators also put some notable efforts in acquiring dedicated infrastructure and deploying a realistic WordPress website to deliver payloads," the researchers said. "Overall, this campaign feels like it could realistically be the work of a small team."
The end goal of the campaign is currently unknown, although HarfangLab theorized that it could also be associated with a legitimate penetration testing operation, a possibility that raises its own set of questions surrounding transparency and the need for impersonating Israeli government agencies.
The disclosure comes as the SonicWall Capture Labs threat research team detailed an infection chain that employs booby-trapped Excel spreadsheets as a starting point to drop a trojan known as Orcinius.
此披露是SonicWall Capture Labs威胁研究团队详细说明了一种感染链,利用陷阱Excel电子表格作为投放一个名为Orcinius的特洛伊木马的起点。
"This is a multi-stage trojan that is using Dropbox and Google Docs to download second-stage payloads and stay updated," the company said. "It contains an obfuscated VBA macro that hooks into Windows to monitor running windows and keystrokes and creates persistence using registry keys."
公司表示:“这是一个使用Dropbox和Google Docs下载第二阶段有效载荷并保持更新的多阶段特洛伊木马。它包含一个模糊的VBA宏,可以钩入Windows来监视运行的窗口和按键,并使用注册表键创建持久性。”