25 April - 30 April
1. 欧盟委员会根据《数字服务法》指定Shein为超大型在线平台
2. 欧洲议会议员投票通过了关于建立欧洲健康数据空间的机构间协议
3. 韩国PIPC对违反PIPA的六家企业处以总额2.44亿韩元的罚款
European Commission Designates Shein as Very Large Online Platform under the Digital Services Act
On April 26, 2024, the European Commission (the Commission) has formally designated Shein as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the Digital Services Act (DSA).
Shein is a fashion online retailer with an average of more than 45 million monthly users in the European Union. This user number, which Shein has communicated to the Commission, is above the DSA threshold for designation as a VLOP.
Following the designation as a VLOP, Shein will have to comply with the most stringent rules under the DSA within four months of its notification (i.e. by the end of August 2024), such as the obligation to adopt specific measures to empower and protect users online, including minors, and duly assess and mitigate any systemic risks stemming from their services. More specifically, these additional obligations include:
More diligent surveillance of illegal products:
Shein needs to diligently analyse the specific systemic risks with regard to the dissemination of illegal content and products and from the design or functioning of its service and its related systems. Risk assessment reports will have to be provided to the Commission 4 months after the notification of the formal designation and thereafter one a year.
Shein must put in place mitigation measures to address risks, such as the listing and sale of counterfeit goods, unsafe products, and items that infringe on intellectual property rights. These measures can include adapting the terms of service, enhancing user interface design for better reporting and detection of suspicious listings, improving moderation processes to swiftly remove illegal items, and refining its algorithms to prevent the promotion and sale of prohibited goods.
Shein must reinforce its internal processes, resources, testing, documentation, and supervision of any of the activities linked to the detection of systemic risks.
Enhanced Consumer Protection Measures:
The yearly risk assessment reports by Shein must specifically evaluate any potential adverse effects on consumer health and safety, with an emphasis on the physical and mental well-being of underage users.
Shein is required to structure its platform, including user interfaces, recommendation algorithms, and terms of service, to mitigate and prevent risks to consumer safety and well-being. Measures must be implemented to protect consumers from purchasing unsafe or illegal goods, with particular focus on preventing the sale and distribution of products that could be harmful to minors. This includes incorporating robust age assurance systems to restrict the purchase of age-restricted items.
More transparency and accountability:
Shein needs to ensure that its risk assessments and compliance with all the DSA obligations are externally and independently audited every year.
Shein needs to publish repositories of all the ads served on its interface.
Shein will have to give access to publicly available data to researchers, including to vetted researchers designated by Digital Services Coordinators.
Shein needs to comply with transparency requirements, including the publication of transparency reports on content moderation decisions and risk management every six months, in addition to reports on the systemic risks and audit results once a year.
Shein has to appoint a compliance function and be subject to an external independent audit every year.
Next, following its designation as a VLOP, the Commission will be competent to supervise Shein's compliance with the DSA in cooperation with the Irish Digital Services Coordinator.
The Commission services will carefully monitor the application of the DSA rules and obligations by the platform, especially concerning measures to guarantee consumer protection and address the dissemination of illegal products. The Commission services are ready to engage closely with Shein to ensure these are properly addressed.
MEPs Votes to Approve the Inter-institutional Agreement on Establishing a European Health Data Space
On April 24, 2024, MEPs voted with 445 in favour and 142 against (39 abstentions) to approve the inter-institutional agreement on establishing a European Health Data Space. It will empower patients to access their health data in an electronic format, including from a different member state to the one in which they live, and allow health professionals to consult their patients’ files with their consent (so-called primary use), also from other EU countries. These electronic health records (EHR) would include patient summaries, electronic prescriptions, medical imagery and laboratory results.
The law will make it possible to transfer health data safely to health professionals in other EU countries (based on MyHealth@EU infrastructure), for example when citizens move to another state. It will be possible to download the health record free of charge.
Additionally, the Health Data Space would unleash the research potential of health data in an anonymised or pseudonymised format. Data including health records, clinical trials, pathogens, health claims and reimbursements, genetic data, public health registry information, wellness data and information on healthcare resources, expenditure and financing, could be processed for public interest purposes, including research, statistics and policy-making (so-called secondary use). Data could, for example, be used to find treatments for rare diseases, where small datasets and fragmentation currently prevent advances in treatments.
Secondary use will not be allowed for commercial purposes including advertising, assessing insurance requests or lending conditions or making job market decisions. Access decisions will be made by national data access bodies.
The law ensures people will have a say in how their data are used and accessed. Patients will be able to refuse their health data being accessed by practitioners (except where this is necessary for protecting the vital interests of the data subject or another person) or processed for research purposes, apart from certain public-interest, policy-making or statistical purposes. Patients will also have to be informed each time their data are accessed, and will have the right to request corrections to incorrect data.
Next, the provisional agreement still needs to be formally approved by the Council. Once published in the EU’s Official Journal, it will enter into force twenty days later. It will be applied two years after, with certain exceptions, including primary and secondary use of data categories, which will apply four to six years later, depending on the category.
By adopting the law, Parliament is responding to the demands of citizens put forward in the conclusions of the Conference of the Future of Europe. These include proposal 8(1), which explicitly recommended the creation of a health data space to facilitate exchanges, and proposals 35(7) and 35(8) on data and artificial intelligence.
South Korea PIPC Imposes Fines Totaling KRW 244M on Six Businesses for PIPA Violations
On April 24, 2024, the Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) published its decision in which it imposed fines totaling KRW 244 million (approx. $177,385) on six businesses for violations of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).
The PIPC stated that while providing online services, the businesses violated safety measures and obligations to include notification of personal information leaks under the PIPA.
D.S.En Co., Ltd., a company that operates an online pizza ordering service, underwent a system development error that permitted anyone to access customers' order information by entering the administrator page address. The administrator page was also exposed to search engines and personal information was leaked. In addition, upon user consent order information was to be kept for only one year, but data was kept beyond that period. Personal information was also held by another company, Mr. Pizza Co., Ltd., and kept beyond the expiration time without destroying it.
Yanolja Co., Ltd. utilized cloud data storage with settings that allowed anyone with the address to access customers' personal information. In this instance, at least 794 customers' personal information could be seen.
STG24, Inc., an online shopping mall, mismanaged website visitor information that allowed personal data to be duplicated. As a result, during a contest the gift receipt information for some winners, around 173 people, was stored and viewed by other winners.
Funit Co., Ltd. and Hiplay Co., Ltd. underwent a data breach and the administrator account was accessed causing a leak of personal information. Specifically, the PIPC stated that Funit confirmed a hacker accessed the administrator account, checked member information, and sent text messages to 20,196 members. The PIPC also mentioned that no secure authentication method besides password and ID was utilized.
Regarding Hiplay Co., Ltd., a hacker accessed the management program with an administrator account and leaked 1,409 pieces of personal information. Additionally, users were not notified when information was transferred from another business and users' resident registration numbers were collected without a legal basis.
D.S.En Co., Ltd.是一家经营比萨线上订购服务的公司,由于系统开发错误,任何人都可以通过输入管理员页面地址访问客户的订购信息。同时管理员页面也被暴露在搜索引擎中,导致个人信息被泄露。此外,经用户同意,订单信息的保存期限只有一年,但数据的实际保存期限却超过了一年。个人信息还被另一家公司Mr. Pizza Co., Ltd.持有,并在过期后没有销毁被保留了下来。
Yanolja Co., Ltd.利用云数据存储,其设置允许任何拥有地址的人访问客户的个人信息。在此案例中,至少有794名客户的个人信息可以被访问。
Funit Co., Ltd.和 Hiplay Co., Ltd.发生数据泄露事件,管理员账户被访问,导致个人信息泄露。PIPC具体指出,Funit证实一名黑客访问了管理员账户,查看了会员信息,并向20,196名会员发送了短信。PIPC还提到,除了密码和ID之外,没有使用任何安全验证方法。
关于Hiplay Co., Ltd.,一名黑客使用管理员账户访问了管理程序,并泄露了1,409条个人信息。此外,从其他企业转移信息时没有通知用户,在没有法律依据的情况下收集用户的居民登记号码。
The PIPC highlighted that five of the companies, namely, D.S.En, Yanolja, STG24, Funit, and Hiplay failed to report data leaks or complete the required notification within 24 hours after recognizing the data leaks, thereby violating the leak notification and reporting requirements under the PIPA.
The violations were as follows:
D.S.En failed to destroy personal information, lacked proper safety measures, and did not notify the PIPC regarding the leak in the time required in violation of Articles 21, 29, and 39 of the PIPA;
Mr. Pizza failed to destroy personal information in violation of Article 21 of the PIPA;
Funit, Yanolja, and STG24 lacked proper safety measures and did not notify the PIPC regarding the leak in time, in violation of Articles 29 and 39 of the PIPA; and
Hiplay failed to restrict the processing of social security numbers properly, failed to limit the transfer of personal information according to the transfer of business information, lacked proper safety measures, and did not notify the PIPC regarding the leak in time, in violation of Articles 24, 27, 29, and 39 of the PIPA.
Mr. Pizza没有销毁个人信息,违反了PIPA第21条的规定;
Funit、Yanolja 和 STG24 缺乏适当的安全措施,没有及时向PIPC通报泄密事件,违反了PIPA第29条和第39条;以及
Considering the above, the PIPC issued fines totaling KRW 244 million (approx. $177,385).
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