FastCFS 3.7.0发布,主要通过了POSIX兼容性测试以及修复了7个bug,FastCFS的稳定性进一步提升。
POSIX兼容性测试使用开源项目pjdfstest,共有8千多个test case,只有极少数case未能通过,其中30个FIFO类型的文件open case失败,这类open调用不会传递到fuse层,返回值取决于Linux内核实现。
v3.7.0 修改的bug列表如下:
[libfastcommon] bugfixed: common_blocked_queue_[alloc|free]_node must use lock
[libfastcommon] bugfixed: can't use global malloc_allocato
[fstore] bugfixed: skip rpc to slaves when no update for allocate space
[fstore] bugfixed: remove_conflict_slices add to two chains correctly
[fdir] bugfixed: define macro FDIR_FLAGS_FOLLOW_SYMLINK correctly
[fdir] bugfixed: normalize_path for symlink correctly
[fdir] return ENOLINK for readlink when path is not a symlink