MyBatis JPA Extra
MyBatis JPA Extra对MyBatis扩展JPA功能 1.Jakarta JPA 3注释简化CUID操作; 2.增强SELECT分页查询; 3.链式Query查询条件构造器;支持Lambda 形式调用,方便编写各类查询条件
| 数据库 | 支持 |
| --- | --- |
| MySQL | ✅ |
| PostgreSQL | ✅ |
| Oracle | ✅ |
| SqlServer | ✅ |
| DB2 | ✅ |
1、JPA 3注释
* @Entity
* @Table
* @Column
* @ColumnDefault
* @Id
* @GeneratedValue
* @Encrypted
* @Transient
* @Temporal
* @PartitionKey
* @SoftDelete
| 序号 | 策略 | 支持 |
| --------| :----- | :---- |
| 1 | AUTO | 主键自动填充策略 <br>snowflakeid (雪花 ID - 默认)<br>uuid (UUID) |
| 2 | SEQUENCE | 数据库序列生成,generator 值为数据库序列名 |
| 3 | IDENTITY | 数据库表自增主键 |
1.3、Java Bean 注释
@Entity @Table(name = "STUDENTS") public class Students extends JpaEntity implements Serializable{ @Id @Column @GeneratedValue private String id; @Column private String stdNo; @Column @Encrypted private String password; @Column private String stdName; @Column @ColumnDefault("'M'") private String stdGender; @Column private int stdAge; @Column private String stdMajor; @Column private String stdClass; @Column private byte[] images; @Column(insertable = false) @GeneratedValue @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private LocalDateTime modifyDate; @SoftDelete @Column(name ="is_deleted") private int isDeleted; //getter setter }
//新增数据 @Test void insert() throws Exception{ Students student = new Students(); student.setStdNo("10024"); student.setStdGender("M"); student.setStdName("司马昭"); student.setStdAge(20); student.setStdMajor("政治"); student.setStdClass("4"); service.insert(student); } //查询数据实体并更新 @Test void update() throws Exception{ Students student = service.get("317d5eda-927c-4871-a916-472a8062df23"); student.setStdMajor("政治"); service.update(student); } //根据实体查询并更新 @Test void merge() throws Exception{ Students student = new Students(); student.setStdMajor("政治"); student.setStdClass("4"); service.merge(student); } //根据ID查询 @Test void get() throws Exception{ Students student = service.get("317d5eda-927c-4871-a916-472a8062df23"); } //根据实体查询 @Test void query() throws Exception{ Students student = new Students(); student.setStdGender("M"); List<Students> listStudents = service.query(student); } //查询所有记录 @Test void findAll() throws Exception{ List<Students> listStudents = service.findAll(); } //根据ID删除 @Test void delete() throws Exception{ service.delete("921d3377-937a-4578-b1e2-92fb23b5e512"); } //根据ID集合批量删除 @Test void batchDelete() throws Exception{ List<String> idList = new ArrayList<String>(); idList.add("8584804d-b5ac-45d2-9f91-4dd8e7a090a7"); idList.add("ab7422e9-a91a-4840-9e59-9d911257c918"); //... service.deleteBatch(idList); }
//根据IDS批量逻辑删除 @Test void logicBatchDelete() throws Exception{ List<String> idList=new ArrayList<String>(); idList.add("8584804d-b5ac-45d2-9f91-4dd8e7a090a7"); idList.add("ab7422e9-a91a-4840-9e59-9d911257c918"); //... service.logicDelete(idList); }
//SpringJDBC的查询方式 where StdNo = '10024' or StdNo = '10004' @Test void find() throws Exception{ List<Students> listStudents = service.find(" StdNo = ? or StdNo = ? ", new Object[]{"10024","10004"}, new int[]{Types.VARCHAR,Types.INTEGER} ); } //根据链式条件构造器查询 //WHERE (stdMajor = '政治' and STDAGE > 30 and stdMajor in ( '政治' , '化学' ) or ( stdname = '周瑜' or stdname = '吕蒙' ) ) @Test void queryByCondition() throws Exception{ List<Students> listStudents = service.query( new Query().eq("stdMajor", "政治").and().gt("STDAGE", 30).and().in("stdMajor", new Object[]{"政治","化学"}) .or(new Query().eq("stdname", "周瑜").or().eq("stdname", "吕蒙"))); }
//根据实体分页查询 @Test void fetch() throws Exception{ JpaPage page = new JpaPage(1); Students student = new Students(); student.setStdGender("M"); JpaPageResults<Students> results = service.fetch(page,student); } //根据Query条件分页查询 where stdMajor = '政治' and STDAGE > 30 @Test void fetchByCondition() throws Exception{ JpaPage page = new JpaPage(1,20); Query condition = new Query().eq("stdMajor", "政治").and().gt("STDAGE", 30); JpaPageResults<Students> results = service.fetch(page,condition); }
//根据Mapper xml配置fetchPageResults分页查询 @Test void fetchPageResults() throws Exception{ Students student=new Students(); student.setStdGender("M"); student.setPageNumber(1); JpaPageResults<Students> results = service.fetchPageResults(student); } //根据Mapper xml id分页查询,fetchPageResults1在mapper的xml中配置 @Test void fetchPageResultsByMapperId() throws Exception{ Students student=new Students(); student.setStdGender("M"); student.setPageNumber(1); JpaPageResults<Students> results = service.fetchPageResults("fetchPageResults1",student); }
2.6、 Lambda查询
//根据Lambda链式条件构造器查询 //WHERE (stdMajor = '政治' and STDAGE > 30 and stdMajor in ( '政治' , '化学' ) or ( stdname = '周瑜' or stdname = '吕蒙' ) ) service.query( new LambdaQuery<Students>().eq(Students::getStdMajor, "政治") .and().gt(Students::getStdAge, Integer.valueOf(30)) .and().in(Students::getStdMajor, new Object[]{"政治","化学"}) .or( new LambdaQuery<Students>().eq(Students::getStdName, "周瑜") .or().eq(Students::getStdName, "吕蒙") ) ); //根据Lambda链式条件构造器分页查询 //where stdMajor = '政治' and stdAge > 30 JpaPage page = new JpaPage(); page.setPageSize(20); page.setPageable(true); LambdaQuery<Students> lambdaQuery =new LambdaQuery<>(); lambdaQuery.eq(Students::getStdMajor, "政治").and().gt(Students::getStdAge, Integer.valueOf(30)); JpaPageResults<Students> results = service.fetch(page,lambdaQuery); ...
实现spring data jpa的findBy功能
//Mapper接口定义 //where x.stdNo = ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNo(String stdNo); //where x.stdNo = ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNoIs(String stdNo); //where x.stdNo = ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNoEquals(String stdNo); //where x.stdAge between ?1 and ?2 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdAgeBetween(int ageStart,int ageEnd); //where x.stdAge < ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdAgeLessThan(int ageLessThan); //where x.stdAge <= ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdAgeLessThanEqual(int ageLessThanEqual); //where x.stdAge > ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdAgeAfter(int ageAfter); //where x.stdAge < ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdAgeBefore(int ageBefore); //where x.images is null @Select({}) public List<Students> findByImagesNull(); //where x.images is null @Select({}) public List<Students> findByImagesIsNull(); //where x.images is not null @Select({}) public List<Students> findByImagesIsNotNull(); //where x.images is not null @Select({}) public List<Students> findByImagesNotNull(); //where x.stdName like ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNameLike(String stdName); //where x.stdName not like ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNameNotLike(String stdName); //where x.stdName like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %) @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNameStartingWith(String stdName); //where x.stdName like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %) @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNameEndingWith(String stdName); //where x.stdName like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %) @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNameContaining(String stdName); //where x.stdGender = ?1 order by x.stdAge desc @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdGenderOrderByStdAge(String stdGender); //where x.stdGender = ?1 order by x.stdAge desc @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdGenderIsOrderByStdAge(String stdGender); //where x.stdMajors in ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdMajorIn(String... stdMajors) ; //where x.stdMajors not in ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdMajorNotIn(List<String> stdMajors); //where x.deleted = true @Select({}) public List<Students> findByDeletedTrue(); //where x.deleted = false @Select({}) public List<Students> findByDeletedFalse(); //where UPPER(x.stdGender) = UPPER(?1) @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdGenderIgnoreCase(String stdGender); //where x.stdNo <> ?1 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdNoNot(String stdNo); //where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2 @Select({}) public List<Students> findByStdMajorAndStdClass(String stdMajor,String stdClass);
import org.apache.ibatis.reflection.MetaObject; import org.dromara.mybatis.jpa.handler.FieldAutoFillHandler; public class MxkFieldAutoFillHandler extends FieldAutoFillHandler{ @Override public void insertFill(MetaObject metaObject) { this.setFieldValue(metaObject , "stdNo", "AutoFill_Insert"); } @Override public void updateFill(MetaObject metaObject) { this.setFieldValue(metaObject , "stdNo", "AutoFill_Update"); } }
1、新增注解 @SoftDelete(新逻辑删除) @Encrypted
4、支持Lambda 形式调用,方便编写各类查询条件
5、实现spring data jpa的findBy功能