Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab Daily News
• [Fuzzing] [PDF] https://publications.cispa.saarland/3773/1/2022-CCS-JIT-Fuzzing.pdf:
・ Jit-Picking: Differential Fuzzing of JavaScript Engines(Paper)
• A Detailed Talk about K8S Cluster Security from the Perspective of Attackers (Part 2):
・ 从攻击者的角度看 K8S Cluster 安全
・ ida_kcpp - 用于辅助分析 iOS kernelcache 的 IDA Pro 插件
• Relaying YubiKeys:
・ 身份验证设备 YubiKey 的 Relay 攻击
• Docker Explorer:
・ Google 开源的 Docker 文件系统离线取证分析工具
• [Tools] README.md:
・ 可视化 PE 文件逆向工具 PE-bear 开源了
• LDAP Nom Nom:
・ 滥用 LDAP Ping requests 实现匿名爆破 Active Directory 用户名
• [Malware] The Bvp47 - Technical Details II:
・ Bvp47-技术细节分析报告II
• Out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability in Microsoft Windows GDI+ EMR_SETPIXELV record:
・ Windows GDI+ 越界读信息泄露漏洞分析(CVE-2022-34728)
• Practical Attacks against NTLMv1:
・ Practical Attacks against NTLMv1
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