招贤纳士(Careers At Orange CyberDefense)
公司简介(Company profile)
Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group, providing managed security, managed threat detection & response services to organizations around the globe. As Europe’s go-to security provider, we strive to protect freedom and build a safer digital society.
We are threat research, intelligence-driven, offering unparalleled access to current and emerging threats. With a 25+ year track record in information security, 250+ researchers & analysts and 17 SOCs distributed across the world and sales and services support in 160 countries, we can offer global protection with local expertise and support our customers throughout the entire threat lifecycle.
In China, we provide managed security service (Cyber SOC) and wide security service portfolios to our global customers and local customers.
中国上海市(Shanghai, China)
安全分析师实习生(Cyber Security Defense Analyst Intern)
岗位描述(Job Description)
Orange Cyberdefense China is looking for a Cyber Security Defense Analyst to join us in Shanghai. The main task of the job is to investigate potential problems in clients’ critical business infrastructure and do thorough analysis, being part of the Cyber SOC (Security Operation Center) in China where you analyse customer data and do risk analysis based on the supplied input. Daily tasks involve log analysis, IDS/IPS alerts, file integrity, malware analysis and vulnerability management, as well as writing customer reports.
主要工作内容(Key Task)
Log Analysis, Vulnerability Scanning, Technical analysis, Malware forensics, Reverse Engineering, Web application security.
个人能力要求(Personal Skills Requirements)
计算机或信息安全、网络安全等相关专业 不承诺转正但有转正机会
Proven experience with:
熟悉Splunk或者其他安全信息事件管理系统或工具; 熟悉Windows/Linux/macOS 熟悉一种或多种编程语言包括但不限于:C、C++、Java、Go、Python
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