Real World CTF 2023 was a jeopardy-style capture-the-flag event. We participated as part of the Sauercloud CTF-team.
How Solve? Where Exploit?
- Google for java card stuff
- Find some usable tooling to build your own applets
- Enable EEPROM dumping in cref (-o /upload/eeprom)
- Stumble upon Sergei Volokitin’s Master’s Thesis for an overview of vulnerabilities
- Try multiple, but be caught by byte code verification/type checking
- Stumble upon PhiAttack
- Needs older sdk
- Implement simple type confusion between Object and byte[]
- Be confused why some casts work and others don’t
- reverse cref __saload and __baload read checks
- Use type confusion to cast an Object to a byte[] array with arbitrary length
- Read EEPROM data using (now no longer) out-of-bounds read on byte[]
- Read flag